Latem Aluminium Certificates

A key factor within Latem Aluminium’s DNA is our constant pursuit for harmony within quality, society and the environment. Our circular economy philosophy drives us towards a planet preservation oriented line of action. These actions and engagements are reflected in the different certificates that corroborate our progress as a committed company.

Latem makes its environmental commitment patent with the obtention of the ISO14001.

Our commitment to sustainability and the environment has been a key element of our DNA since our very own beginnings and a determining factor in our strategy and company’s production processes.

The recently awarded ISO14001 certification establishes the requisites to implement, develop and maintain an environmental management system and sets the guidelines for environmental impact management within our production process with a special focus on continuous improvement.

Quality, the foundation upon which our commitment towards our customers is built

Ensuring the quality of our processes, products and services has always been an essential  driving factor within our company, enabling our customers to satisfy their needs with ease.  To this end, we have at our disposal the international norm ISO 9001 for our Latem Refinería facility and we have established strict quality control procedures centered on two principal factors – the thorough control of our raw materials and the control of the final product of each process.

Organizational carbon footprint

Latem has been awarded by AENOR the “Sello de la Huella de Carbono” (Carbon Footprint Seal) according to the ISO14064-1:2012 standard.

The calculation of the carbon footprint is a concept that illustrates the amount of Greenhouse Gases (GhG) released by the activities carried at our Latem Refinería division.

The attainment of this certificate further proves Latem Aluminium’s commitment to environmental preservation and sustainable development.

Product carbon footprint seal

Aenor’s Product Carbon Footprint Certificate refers to the total amount of Greenhouse Gases (GhG) released as a result of the manufacturing of a ton of each product from cradle to gate. This verification of the products’ GhG emissions is the first step towards additional and more beneficial environmental certificates.

Latem Aluminium attains ISO45001 certificate: Occupational health and safety management systems.

The company reinforces risk prevention as a central strategy and polishes its occupational hazards control processes with the award of the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems ISO 45001:2018.

This standard endorses better working conditions through a health and safety management system centered on procedure improvement which reduces risks and helps to optimize workers’ health and welfare.

Latem Aluminium certifies its commitment to sustainable development thanks to certification ISO 50001

Obtaining ISO 50001 certification highlights LatemAluminium’s commitment to the environment and implies that we have implemented a system for energy management.

ISO 500001 certification helps us implement an efficient energy policy and  properly manage the energy aspects of our industrial activity.

This certification demonstrates the company’s alignment with international energy requirements for a circular economy and for sustainable construction.